Monday, February 28, 2011

love for south africa

confession: i love the bachelor. it's my guilty pleasure. ironically, my grandpa got me hooked when i was in high school. each wednesday night, i would come straight from church and eat popcorn and drink dr. pepper with him and we would watch the bachelor. and on the finale, he would get me a rose. one of many reasons why i adore my grandpa.

anyways, i have been watching this season, and although i don't really love brad womack, i do love that his group dates are in south africa! so romantic. 

i personally want to go here...

this giraffe manor is in nairobi, and it looks amazing. can you imagine giraffes walking around outside your beautiful hotel in africa or coming to join you while you eat breakfast? awesome.

also loving the south africa-inspired decor from anthro this spring. 

i love that on the backs of the pillows are maps. and the tassels make it so unique. what a fun bedroom! especially if you have a heart for africa.



Saturday, February 26, 2011

julianne hough {aka my new best friend}

part of my new years resolution was to be even more consistent with my work out. SO in january, after seeing a commercial for it, i ordered julianne hough's ballroom cardio and just dance dvds and have been doing them every day since (well with the exception of the last few days, because of a respiratory infection that has left me wheezing and hacking.) but seriously, this work out is perfect because it isn't too long, and its a great cardio work out. ive been doing it for 2 months straight and am more toned than i ever have been!

the only thing is, if you don't like a peppy instructor, don't buy this because julianne is full of pep and pretty corny yet entertaining phrases such as "you can do this in the cluuuuuub" and "caw caw!" (while she is doing a move entitled "the bird") at least they are good for a laugh. is a link to an interview about staying fit with my favorite bachelorette jillian harris! :) enjoy



friday favorites (just a lil late)

my chunky tassel throw from west elm . seriously, it is so cozy. and i especially love how versatile it is. i think it could probably look great in any room ever. 

and girl scout cookies
as a former girl scout, i personally love the samoas, but i especially love the message behind the cookies: that little girls are learning, working towards goals, making friends, and bettering the community. these cookies make people happy because they are delicious AND they help send girls to summer camp. its a win-win situation! 

they have a whole history of girl scout cookies on their website, check it out, its pretty cute! 



pretty pink and boyish blue = perfect combination

so i typically don't shop at ae just because i worked there all through college, and got a teeny bit sick of it. but i am such a sucker for their aerie stuff. i went in there yesterday and they had 50% off all their clearance and i hit the jackpot, and found several treasures, including this pretty little floral top for spring for just $10.
it's hard to tell but its just a lot of vibrant pinks and blues, which remind me of this pretty inspiration board...

and this crisp pinstripe bedding
source unknown

this dream room

love how classic this combination is :)



Thursday, February 24, 2011

very berry

my high school colors were purple and white...and i am finally getting to the point (after graduating 6(!) years ago) that i feel comfortable sporting purple without feeling juvenile. all that to say, i went out on a limb and purchased a purple camelbak..
if you dont have one of these babies, get one! i use mine every single day! hydration is important!! :)

AND although i typically shy away from magenta etc, i invested in another patagonia snap t. (because i have worn my others literally to shreds)
Patagonia Women's Re-Tool Snap-T® Pullover

im falling for berry tones. they are so warm and girly! not to mention, they look great with gold (my other new favorite obsession)

these nikes are sold out patiently waiting for them to be restocked on dsw.

Product Image
i definitely eat these things like candy when i am bored in class. delish.

also loving this fig inspiration board from camille styles

Fig Inspiration Board-Camille Styles Events

YUM. wouldn't a wedding be berry gorgeous with these colors?
p.s. love the bottom right pic. how precious is that?!

 also camille :)

via here

gorgeous embroidery/florals

this grape crush ruffled clutch from more warped on etsy. her bags are amazing. i think owning one would be like carrying around a piece of art everywhere. (which would make it totally justifiable to spend some extra $ for a handwoven and made clutch, right?)

blackberries are my absolute fave; they remind me of one of my favorite quotes:
earth's crammed with heaven, and every common bush afire with God; but only those who see it take off their shoes-the rest just sit round' it and pluck blackberries.
-elizabeth barrett browning

good reminder. one i likely need more often. :)



something special

i feel as though i must start my blog off right, with some sort of a fabulous post, as though it is a taste of what is to come. no pressure ;)

im creating this as a sort of an outlet. i already spend (an embarrassing amount) of time perusing blogs and saving photos of fashion, interiors, photography, food, creativity etc. that inspire me, why not share it with others?

while i do find delving into the law each day extremely gratifying, there is another side of me that appreciates the simple things in life. clothes.  books. parties. flowers. recipes. interior design. and the list could go on and on.

so here it goes!

here is a small sample of my favorite images i have picked up after hours of perusing. :)

I love mod kitchens:

                                                                        sources unknown

and practical yet pretty accents to go in them...

                                                                             via city sage

sophisticated displays of accessories

dining rooms with natural light

via elle decor

upholstered headboards (perfect for reading late at night, which i do frequently) ...and the stripes!

via here

and classy sitting spaces
